Got another nice poem written by my friend Nishtha...
In a dark room, I was sitting lonely,
An unknown grief hovering over me,
I cried to God, "Oh! Please send somebody,
Who could save me, who can love me?"
With a shiney white light, he descended down,
A serene face, his face bowed down.
He then looked towards me and said,
"You have everything one can wish for,
Then why are you in such dread?"
My eyes filled with tears when I spoke to him,
"I don't want riches, I am not greedy
I want only love, so help this needy!"
He smiled to see me crying so bitterly and said.
"Now, I understand what you want,
Today lovely angels for you I grant"
"Who will they be? What will I call them?" I inquired,
"They'll love you and will be around you always,' he immediately fired.
Your every wound, every crevice in your heart, they'll mend,
Whenever you need them, call them your FRIENDS!!"
Today these lovely angels surround me,
They make my world really lovely,
I am incomplete without them,
So, it’s a tribute to all of them...